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DND 12.12 YEAR END SALE (YES) (12 - 31ST DEC 2024)
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DND 12.12 YEAR END SALE (YES) (12 - 31ST DEC 2024)
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01111 ~ Growing of maize
01112 ~ Growing of leguminous crops
01113 ~ Growing of oil seeds
01119 ~ Growing of other cereals n.e.c.
01120 ~ Growing of paddy
01131 ~ Growing of leafy or stem vegetables
01132 ~ Growing of fruits bearing vegetables
01133 ~ Growing of melons
01134 ~ Growing of mushrooms and truffles
01135 ~ Growing of vegetables seeds, except beet seeds
01136 ~ Growing of other vegetables
01137 ~ Growing of sugar beet
01138 ~ Growing of roots, tubers, bulb or tuberous vegetables
01140 ~ Growing of sugar cane
01150 ~ Growing of tobacco
01160 ~ Growing of fibre crops
01191 ~ Growing of flowers
01192 ~ Growing of flower seeds
01193 ~ Growing of sago (rumbia)
01199 ~ Growing of other non-perennial crops n.e.c.
01210 ~ Growing of grapes
01221 ~ Growing of banana
01222 ~ Growing of mango
01223 ~ Growing of durian
01224 ~ Growing of rambutan
01225 ~ Growing of star fruit
01226 ~ Growing of papaya
01227 ~ Growing of pineapple
01228 ~ Growing of pitaya (dragon fruit)
01229 ~ Growing of other tropical and subtropical fruits n.e.c.
01231 ~ Growing of pomelo
01232 ~ Growing of lemon and limes
01233 ~ Growing of tangerines and mandarin
01239 ~ Growing of other citrus fruits n.e.c.
01241 ~ Growing of guava
01249 ~ Growing of other pome fruits and stones fruits n.e.c.
01251 ~ Growing of berries
01252 ~ Growing of fruit seeds
01253 ~ Growing of edible nuts
01259 ~ Growing of other tree and bush fruits
01261 ~ Growing of oil palm (estate)
01262 ~ Growing of oil palm (smallholdings)
01263 ~ Growing of coconut (estate and smallholdings)
01269 ~ Growing of other oleaginous fruits n.e.c.
01271 ~ Growing of coffee
01272 ~ Growing of tea
01273 ~ Growing of cocoa
01279 ~ Growing of other beverage crops n.e.c.
01281 ~ Growing of pepper (piper nigrum)
01282 ~ Growing of chilies and pepper (capsicum spp.)
01283 ~ Growing of nutmeg
01284 ~ Growing of ginger
01285 ~ Growing of plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
01289 ~ Growing of other spices and aromatic crops n.e.c.
01291 ~ Growing of rubber trees (estate)
01292 ~ Growing of rubber trees (smallholdings)
01293 ~ Growing of trees for extraction of sap
01294 ~ Growing of nipa palm
01295 ~ Growing of areca
01296 ~ Growing of roselle
01299 ~ Growing of other perennial crops n.e.c.
01301 ~ Growing of plants for planting
01302 ~ Growing of plants for ornamental purposes
01303 ~ Growing of live plants for bulbs, tubers and roots; cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn
01304 ~ Operation of tree nurseries
01411 ~ Raising, breeding and production of cattle or buffaloes
01412 ~ Production of raw milk from cows or buffaloes
01413 ~ Production of bovine semen
01420 ~ Raising and breeding of horses, asses, mules or hinnes
01430 ~ Raising and breeding of camels (dromedary) and camelids
01441 ~ Raising, breeding and production of sheep and goats
01442 ~ Production of raw sheep or goat’s milk
01443 ~ Production of raw wool
01450 ~ Raising, breeding and production of swine/pigs
01461 ~ Raising, breeding and production of chicken, broiler
01462 ~ Raising, breeding and production of ducks
01463 ~ Raising, breeding and production of geese
01464 ~ Raising, breeding and production of quails
01465 ~ Raising and breeding of other poultry n.e.c.
01466 ~ Production of chicken eggs
01467 ~ Production of duck eggs
01468 ~ Production of other poultry eggs n.e.c.
01469 ~ Operation of poultry hatcheries
01491 ~ Raising, breeding and production of semi-domesticated
01492 ~ Production of fur skins, reptile or bird’s skin from ranching operation
01493 ~ Operation of worm farms, land mollusc farms, snail farms
01494 ~ Raising of silk worms and production of silk worm cocoons
01495 ~ Bee keeping and production of honey and beeswax
01496 ~ Raising and breeding of pet animals
01497 ~ Raising and breeding of swiflet
01499 ~ Raising of diverse/other animals n.e.c.
01500 ~ Mixed Farming
01610 ~ Agricultural activities for crops production on a fee or contract basis
01620 ~ Agricultural activities for animal production on a fee or contract basis
01631 ~ Preparation of crops for primary markets
01632 ~ Preparation of tobacco leaves
01633 ~ Preparation of cocoa beans
01634 ~ Sun-drying of fruits and vegetables
01640 ~ Seed processing for propagation
01701 ~ Hunting and trapping on a commercial basis
01702 ~ Taking of animals (dead or alive)
02101 ~ Planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts
02102 ~ Growing of coppice, pulpwood and fire wood
02103 ~ Operation of forest tree nurseries
02104 ~ Collection and raising of wildings (peat swamp forest tree species)
02105 ~ Forest plantation
02201 ~ Production of round wood for forest-based manufacturing industries
02202 ~ Production of round wood used in an unprocessed form
02203 ~ Production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods)
02204 ~ Rubber wood logging
02301 ~ Collection of rattan, bamboo
02302 ~ Bird’s nest collection
02303 ~ Wild sago palm collection
02309 ~ Gathering of non-wood forest products n.e.c.
02401 ~ Carrying out part of the forestry and forest plantation operation on a fee or contract basis for forestry service activities
02402 ~ Carrying out part of the forestry operation on a fee or contract basis for logging service activities
03111 ~ Fishing on a commercial basis in ocean and coastal waters
03112 ~ Collection of marine crustaceans and molluscs
03113 ~ Taking of aquatic animals: sea squirts, tunicates, sea urchins
03114 ~ Activities of vessels engaged both in fishing and in processing and preserving of fish
03115 ~ Gathering of other marine organisms and materials (natural pearls, sponges, coral and algae)
03119 ~ Marine fishing n.e.c.
03121 ~ Fishing on a commercial basis in inland waters
03122 ~ Taking of freshwater crustaceans and molluscs
03123 ~ Taking of freshwater aquatic animals
03124 ~ Gathering of freshwater flora and fauna
03129 ~ Freshwater fishing n.e.c.
03211 ~ Fish farming in sea water
03212 ~ Production of bivalve spat (oyster, mussel), lobster lings, shrimp post-larvae, fish fry and fingerlings
03213 ~ Growing of laver and other edible seaweeds
03214 ~ Culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals in sea water
03215 ~ Aquaculture activities in brackish water
03216 ~ Aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs
03217 ~ Operation of hatcheries (marine)
03218 ~ Operation of marine worm farms for fish feed
03219 ~ Marine aquaculture n.e.c.
03221 ~ Fish farming in freshwater
03222 ~ Shrimp farming in freshwater
03223 ~ Culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals
03224 ~ Operation of hatcheries (freshwater)
03225 ~ Farming of frogs
03229 ~ Freshwater aquaculture n.e.c.
05100 ~ Mining of hard coal
05200 ~ Mining of lignite (brown coal)
06101 ~ Extraction of crude petroleum oils
06102 ~ Extraction of bituminous or oil shale and tar sand
06103 ~ Production of crude petroleum from bituminous shale and sand
06104 ~ Processes to obtain crude oils
06201 ~ Production of crude gaseous hydrocarbon (natural gas)
06202 ~ Extraction of condensates
06203 ~ Draining and separation of liquid hydrocarbon fractions
06204 ~ Gas desulphurization
06205 ~ Mining of hydrocarbon liquids, obtain through liquefaction or pyrolysis
07101 ~ Mining of ores valued chiefly for iron content
07102 ~ Beneficiation and agglomeration of iron ores
07210 ~ Mining of uranium and thorium ores
07291 ~ Mining of tin ores
07292 ~ Mining of copper
07293 ~ Mining of bauxite (aluminium)
07294 ~ Mining of ilmenite
07295 ~ Mining of gold
07296 ~ Mining of silver
07297 ~ Mining of platinum
07298 ~ Amang retreatment
07299 ~ Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores n.e.c.
08101 ~ Quarrying, rough trimming and sawing of monumental and building stone such as marble, granite (dimension stone), sandstone
08102 ~ Quarrying, crushing and breaking of limestone
08103 ~ Mining of gypsum and anhydrite
08104 ~ Mining of chalk and uncalcined dolomite
08105 ~ Extraction and dredging of industrial sand, sand for construction and gravel
08106 ~ Breaking and crushing of stone and gravel
08107 ~ Quarrying of sand
08108 ~ Mining of clays, refractory clays and kaolin
08109 ~ Quarrying, crushing and breaking of granite
08911 ~ Mining of natural phosphates
08912 ~ Mining of natural potassium salts
08913 ~ Mining of native sulphur
08914 ~ Extraction and preparation of pyrites and pyrrhotite, except roasting
08915 ~ Mining of natural barium sulphate and carbonate (barytes and witherite)
08916 ~ Mining of natural borates, natural magnesium sulphates (kieserite)
08917 ~ Mining of earth colours, fluorspar and other minerals valued chiefly as a source of chemicals
08918 ~ Guano mining
08921 ~ Peat digging
08922 ~ Peat agglomeration
08923 ~ Preparation of peat to improve quality or facilitate transport or storage
08931 ~ Extraction of salt from underground
08932 ~ Salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters
08933 ~ Crushing, purification and refining of salt by the producer
08991 ~ Mining and quarrying of abrasive materials
08992 ~ Mining and quarrying of asbestos
08993 ~ Mining and quarrying of siliceous fossil meals
08994 ~ Mining and quarrying of natural graphite
08995 ~ Mining and quarrying of steatite (talc)
08996 ~ Mining and quarrying of gemstones
08999 ~ Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.
09101 ~ Oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis
09102 ~ Oil and gas field fire fighting services
09900 ~ Support activities for other mining and quarrying
10101 ~ Processing and preserving of meat and production of meat products
10102 ~ Processing and preserving of poultry and poultry products
10103 ~ Production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses
10104 ~ Operation of slaughterhouses engaged in killing, houses dressing or packing meat
10109 ~ Processing and preserving of meat n.e.c.
10201 ~ Canning of fish, crustaceans and mollusks
10202 ~ Processing, curing and preserving of fish, crustacean and molluscs
10203 ~ Production of fish meals for human consumption or animal feed
10204 ~ Production of keropok including keropok lekor
10205 ~ Processing of seaweed
10301 ~ Manufacture of fruits and vegetable food products
10302 ~ Manufacture of fruit and vegetable juices
10303 ~ Pineapple canning
10304 ~ Manufacture of jams, marmalades and table jellies
10305 ~ Manufacture of nuts and nut products
10306 ~ Manufacture of bean curd products
10401 ~ Manufacture of crude palm oil
10402 ~ Manufacture of refined palm oil
10403 ~ Manufacture of palm kernel oil
10404 ~ Manufacture of crude and refined vegetable oil
10405 ~ Manufacture of coconut oil
10406 ~ Manufacture of compound cooking fats
10407 ~ Manufacture of animal oils and fats
10501 ~ Manufacture of ice cream and other edible ice such as sorbet
10502 ~ Manufacture of condensed, powdered and evaporated milk
10509 ~ Manufacture of other dairy products n.e.c.
10611 ~ Rice milling
10612 ~ Provision of milling services
10613 ~ Flour milling
10619 ~ Manufacture of grain mill products n.e.c.
10621 ~ Manufacture of starches and starch products
10622 ~ Manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, inulin
10623 ~ Manufacture of sago and tapioca flour/products
10711 ~ Manufacture of biscuits and cookies
10712 ~ Manufacture of bread, cakes and other bakery products
10713 ~ Manufacture of snack products
10714 ~ Manufacture of frozen bakery products
10721 ~ Manufacture of sugar
10722 ~ Manufacture of sugar products
10731 ~ Manufacture of cocoa products
10732 ~ Manufacture of chocolate and chocolate products
10733 ~ Manufacture of sugar confectionery
10741 ~ Manufacture of meehoon, noodles and other related products
10742 ~ Manufacture of pastas
10750 ~ Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes
10791 ~ Manufacture of coffee
10792 ~ Manufacture of tea
10793 ~ Manufacture of sauces and condiments
10794 ~ Manufacture of spices and curry powder
10795 ~ Manufacture of egg products
10799 ~ Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
10800 ~ Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
11010 ~ Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits
11020 ~ Manufacture of wines
11030 ~ Manufacture of malt liquors and malt
11041 ~ Manufacture of soft drinks
11042 ~ Production of natural mineral water and other bottled water
13110 ~ Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
13120 ~ Weaving of textiles
13131 ~ Batik making
13132 ~ Dyeing, bleaching, printing and finishing of yarns and fabrics
13139 ~ Other finishing textiles
13910 ~ Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics
13921 ~ Manufacture of made-up articles of any textile materials, including of knitted or crocheted fabrics
13922 ~ Manufacture of made-up furnishing articles
13930 ~ Manufacture of carpets and rugs
13940 ~ Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting
13990 ~ Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.
14101 ~ Manufacture of specific wearing apparel
14102 ~ Manufacture of clothings
14103 ~ Custom tailoring
14109 ~ Manufacture of other clothing accessories
14200 ~ Manufacture of articles made of fur skins
14300 ~ Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
15110 ~ Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur
15120 ~ Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness
15201 ~ Manufacture of leather footwear
15202 ~ Manufacture of plastic footwear
15203 ~ Manufacture of rubber footwear
15209 ~ Manufacture of other footwear n.e.c.
16211 ~ Manufacture of veneer sheets and plywood
16221 ~ Manufacture of builders' carpentry
16222 ~ Manufacture of joinery wood products
16230 ~ Manufacture of wooden containers
16291 ~ Manufacture of wood charcoal
16292 ~ Manufacture of other products of wood, cane, articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials
17010 ~ Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
17020 ~ Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
17091 ~ Manufacture of envelopes and letter-card
17092 ~ Manufacture of household and personal hygiene paper
17093 ~ Manufacture of gummed or adhesive paper in strips or rolls and labels and wall paper
17094 ~ Manufacture of effigies, funeral paper goods, joss paper
17099 ~ Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.
18110 ~ Printing
18120 ~ Service activities related to printing
18200 ~ Reproduction of recorded media
19100 ~ Manufacture of coke oven products
19201 ~ Manufacture of refined petroleum products
19202 ~ Manufacture of bio-diesel products
20111 ~ Manufacture of liquefied or compressed inorganic industrial or medical gases
20112 ~ Manufacture of basic organic chemicals
20113 ~ Manufacture of inorganic compounds
20119 ~ Manufacture of other basic chemicals n.e.c.
20121 ~ Manufacture of fertilizers
20129 ~ Manufacture of associated nitrogen products
20131 ~ Manufacture of plastic in primary forms
20132 ~ Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms: synthetic rubber, factice
20133 ~ Manufacture of mixtures of synthetic rubber and natural rubber or rubber - like gums
20210 ~ Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
20221 ~ Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings ink and mastics
20222 ~ Manufacture of printing ink
20231 ~ Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations
20232 ~ Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations
20291 ~ Manufacture of photographic plates, films, sensitized paper and other sensitized unexposed materials
20292 ~ Manufacture of writing and drawing ink
20299 ~ Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
20300 ~ Manufacture of man-made fibres
21001 ~ Manufacture of medicinal active substances to be used for their pharmacological properties in the manufacture of medicaments
21002 ~ Processing of blood
21003 ~ Manufacture of medicaments
21004 ~ Manufacture of chemical contraceptive products
21005 ~ Manufacture of medical diagnostic preparation
21006 ~ Manufacture of radioactive in-vivo diagnostic substances
21007 ~ Manufacture of biotech pharmaceuticals
21009 ~ Manufacture of other pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products n.e.c.
22111 ~ Manufacture of rubber tyres for vehicles
22112 ~ Manufacture of interchangeable tyre treads and retreading rubber tyres
22191 ~ Manufacture of other products of natural or synthetic rubber, unvulcanized, vulcanized or hardened
22192 ~ Manufacture of rubber gloves
22193 ~ Rubber remilling and latex processing
22199 ~ Manufacture of other rubber products n.e.c
22201 ~ Manufacture of semi-manufactures of plastic products
22202 ~ Manufacture of finished plastic products
22203 ~ Manufacture of plastic articles for the packing of goods
22204 ~ Manufacture of builders' plastics ware
22205 ~ Manufacture of plastic tableware, kitchenware and toilet articles
22209 ~ Manufacture of diverse plastic products n.e.c.
23101 ~ Manufacture of flat glass, including wired, coloured or tinted flat glass
23102 ~ Manufacture of laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware
23109 ~ Manufacture of other glass products n.e.c.
23911 ~ Manufacture of refractory mortars and concretes
23912 ~ Manufacture of refractory ceramic goods
23921 ~ Manufacture of non-refractory ceramic
23929 ~ Manufacture of other clay building materials
23930 ~ Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
23941 ~ Manufacture of hydraulic cement
23942 ~ Manufacture of lime and plaster
23951 ~ Manufacture of ready-mix and dry-mix concrete and mortars
23952 ~ Manufacture of precast concrete, cement or artificial stone articles for use in construction
23953 ~ Manufacture of prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering of cement, concrete or artificial stone
23959 ~ Manufacture of other articles of concrete, cement and plaster n.e.c.
23960 ~ Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
23990 ~ Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
24101 ~ Production of pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms
24102 ~ Production of bars and rods of stainless steel or other alloy steel
24103 ~ Manufacture of seamless tubes, by hot rolling, hot extrusion or hot drawing, or by cold drawing or cold rolling
24104 ~ Manufacture of steel tube fittings
24109 ~ Manufacture of other basic iron and steel products n.e.c.
24201 ~ Tin smelting
24202 ~ Production of aluminium from alumina
24209 ~ Manufacture of other basic precious and other non-ferrous metals n.e.c.
24311 ~ Casting of iron
24312 ~ Casting of steel
24320 ~ Casting of non-ferrous metals
25111 ~ Manufacture of industrial frameworks in metal
25112 ~ Manufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly of metal
25113 ~ Manufacture of metal doors, windows and their frames, shutters and gates
25119 ~ Manufacture of other structural metal products
25120 ~ Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
25130 ~ Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
25200 ~ Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
25910 ~ Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
25920 ~ Treatment and coating of metals; machining
25930 ~ Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware
25991 ~ Manufacture of tins and cans for food products, collapsible tubes and boxes
25992 ~ Manufacture of metal cable, plaited bands and similar articles
25993 ~ Manufacture of bolts, screws, nuts and similar threaded products
25994 ~ Manufacture of metal household articles
25999 ~ Manufacture of any other fabricated metal products n.e.c.
26101 ~ Manufacture of diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices
26102 ~ Manufacture electronic integrated circuits micro assemblies
26103 ~ Manufacture of electrical capacitors and resistors
26104 ~ Manufacture of printed circuit boards
26105 ~ Manufacture of display components
26109 ~ Manufacture of other components for electronic applications
26201 ~ Manufacture of computers
26202 ~ Manufacture of peripheral equipment
26300 ~ Manufacture of communication equipment
26400 ~ Manufacture of consumer electronics
26511 ~ Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
26512 ~ Manufacture of industrial process control equipment
26520 ~ Manufacture of watches and clocks and parts
26600 ~ Manufacture of irradiation, electro medical and electrotherapeutic equipment
26701 ~ Manufacture of optical instruments and equipment
26702 ~ Manufacture of photographic equipment
26800 ~ Manufacture of magnetic and optical recording media
27101 ~ Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers
27102 ~ Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus
27200 ~ Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
27310 ~ Manufacture of fibre optic cables
27320 ~ Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables
27330 ~ Manufacture of current-carrying and non current-carrying wiring devices for electrical circuits regardless of material
27400 ~ Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
27500 ~ Manufacture of domestic appliances
27900 ~ Manufacture of miscellaneous electrical equipment other than motors, generators and transformers, batteries and accumulators, wires and wiring devices, lighting equipment or domestic appliances
28110 ~ Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
28120 ~ Manufacture of fluid power equipment
28130 ~ Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves
28140 ~ Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
28150 ~ Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners
28160 ~ Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
28170 ~ Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment)
28180 ~ Manufacture of power-driven hand tools with self-contained electric or non-electric motor or pneumatic drives
28191 ~ Manufacture of refrigerating or freezing industrial equipment
28192 ~ Manufacture of air-conditioning machines, including for motor vehicles
28199 ~ Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.
28210 ~ Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
28220 ~ Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools
28230 ~ Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy
28240 ~ Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
28250 ~ Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
28260 ~ Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
28290 ~ Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.
29101 ~ Manufacture of passenger cars
29102 ~ Manufacture of commercial vehicles
29200 ~ Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi- trailers
29300 ~ Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
30110 ~ Building of ships and floating structures
30120 ~ Building of pleasure and sporting boats
30200 ~ Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
30300 ~ Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
30400 ~ Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
30910 ~ Manufacture of motorcycles
30920 ~ Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages
30990 ~ Manufacture of other transport equipments n.e.c.
31001 ~ Manufacture of wooden and cane furniture
31002 ~ Manufacture of metal furniture
31003 ~ Manufacture of mattress
31009 ~ Manufacture of other furniture, except of stone, concrete or ceramic
32110 ~ Manufacture of jewellery and related articles
32120 ~ Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles
32200 ~ Manufacture of musical instruments
32300 ~ Manufacture of sports goods
32400 ~ Manufacture of games and toys
32500 ~ Manufacture of medical and dental instrument and supplies
32901 ~ Manufacture of stationery
32909 ~ Other manufacturing n.e.c.
33110 ~ Repair of fabricated metal products
33120 ~ Repair and maintenance of industrial machinery and equipment
33131 ~ Repair and maintenance of the measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
33132 ~ Repair and maintenance of irradiation, electro medical and electrotherapeutic equipment
33133 ~ Repair of optical instruments and photographic equipment
33140 ~ Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment except domestic appliances
33150 ~ Repair and maintenance of transport equipment except motorcycles and bicycles
33190 ~ Repair and maintenance of other equipment n.e.c.
33200 ~ Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
35101 ~ Operation of generation facilities that produce electric energy
35102 ~ Operation of transmission, distribution and sales of electricity
35201 ~ Manufacture of gaseous fuels with a specified calorific value, by purification, blending and other processes from gases of various types including natural gas
35202 ~ Transportation, distribution and supply of gaseous fuels of all kinds through a system of mains
35203 ~ Sale of gas to the user through mains
35301 ~ Production, collection and distribution of steam and hot water for heating, power and other purposes
35302 ~ Production and distribution of cooled air, chilled water for cooling purposes
35303 ~ Production of ice, including ice for food and non-food (e.g. cooling) purposes
36001 ~ Purification and distribution of water for water supply purposes
36002 ~ Desalting of sea or ground water to produce water as the principal product of interest
37000 ~ Sewerage and similar activities
38111 ~ Collection of non-hazardous solid waste (i.e. garbage) within a local area
38112 ~ Collection of recyclable materials
38113 ~ Collection of refuse in litter-bins in public places
38114 ~ Collection of construction and demolition waste
38115 ~ Operation of waste transfer stations for non-hazardous waste
38121 ~ Collection of hazardous waste
38122 ~ Operation of waste transfer stations for hazardous waste
38210 ~ Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
38220 ~ Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
38301 ~ Mechanical crushing of metal waste
38302 ~ Dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment for material recover
38303 ~ Reclaiming of rubber such as used tires to produce secondary raw material
38304 ~ Reuse of rubber products
38309 ~ Materials recovery n.e.c.
39000 ~ Remediation activities and other waste management services
41001 ~ Residential buildings
41002 ~ Non-residential buildings
41003 ~ Assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site
41009 ~ Construction of buildings n.e.c.
42101 ~ Construction of motorways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways
42102 ~ Surface work on streets, roads, highways, bridges or tunnels
42103 ~ Construction of bridges, including those for elevated highways
42104 ~ Construction of tunnels
42105 ~ Construction of railways and subways
42106 ~ Construction of airfield/airports runways
42109 ~ Construction of roads and railways n.e.c.
42201 ~ Long-distance pipelines, communication and power lines
42202 ~ Urban pipelines, urban communication and power lines; ancillary urban works
42203 ~ Water main and line construction
42204 ~ Reservoirs
42205 ~ Construction of irrigation systems (canals)
42206 ~ Construction of sewer systems (including repair) and sewage disposal plants
42207 ~ Construction of power plants
42209 ~ Construction of utility projects n.e.c.
42901 ~ Construction of refineries
42902 ~ Construction of waterways, harbour and river works, pleasure ports (marinas), locks
42903 ~ Construction of dams and dykes
42904 ~ Dredging of waterways
42905 ~ Outdoor sports facilities
42906 ~ Land subdivision with land improvement
42909 ~ Construction of other engineering projects n.e.c.
43110 ~ Demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures
43121 ~ Clearing of building sites
43122 ~ Earth moving
43123 ~ Drilling, boring and core sampling for construction, geophysical, geological or similar purposes
43124 ~ Site preparation for mining
43125 ~ Drainage of agricultural or forestry land
43126 ~ Land reclamation work
43129 ~ Other site preparation activities n.e.c.
43211 ~ Electrical wiring and fittings
43212 ~ Telecommunications wiring
43213 ~ Computer network and cable television wiring
43214 ~ Satellite dishes
43215 ~ Lighting systems
43216 ~ Security systems
43219 ~ Electrical installation n.e.c.
43221 ~ Installation of heating systems (electric, gas and oil)
43222 ~ Installation of furnaces, cooling towers
43223 ~ Installation of non-electric solar energy collectors
43224 ~ Installation of plumbing and sanitary equipment
43225 ~ Installation of ventilation, refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment and ducts
43226 ~ Installation of gas fittings
43227 ~ Installation of fire and lawn sprinkler systems
43228 ~ Steam piping
43229 ~ Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation n.e.c.
43291 ~ Installation of elevators, escalators in buildings or other construction projects
43292 ~ Installation of automated and revolving doors in buildings or other construction projects
43293 ~ Installation of lighting conductors in buildings or other construction projects
43294 ~ Installation vacuum cleaning systems in buildings or other construction projects
43295 ~ Installation thermal, sound or vibration insulation in buildings or other construction projects
43299 ~ Other construction installation n.e.c.
43301 ~ Installation of doors, windows, door and window frames of wood or other materials, fitted kitchens, staircases, shop fittings and furniture
43302 ~ Laying, tiling, hanging or fitting in buildings or other construction projects of various types of materials
43303 ~ Interior and exterior painting of buildings
43304 ~ Painting of civil engineering structures
43305 ~ Installation of glass, mirrors
43306 ~ Interior completion
43307 ~ Cleaning of new buildings after construction
43309 ~ Other building completion and finishing work n.e.c.
43901 ~ Construction of foundations, including pile driving
43902 ~ Erection of non-self-manufactured steel elements
43903 ~ Scaffolds and work platform erecting and dismantling
43904 ~ Bricklaying and stone setting
43905 ~ Construction of outdoor swimming pools
43906 ~ Steam cleaning, sand blasting and similar activities for building exteriors
43907 ~ Renting of construction machinery and equipment with operator (e.g. cranes)
43909 ~ Other specialized construction activities, n.e.c.
45101 ~ Wholesale and retail of new motor vehicles
45102 ~ Wholesale and retail of used motor vehicles
45103 ~ Sale of industrial, commercial and agriculture vehicles – new
45104 ~ Sale of industrial, commercial and agriculture vehicles – used
45105 ~ Sale by commission agents
45106 ~ Car auctions
45109 ~ Sale of other motor vehicles n.e.c.
45201 ~ Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
45202 ~ Spraying and painting
45203 ~ Washing and polishing (car wash)
45204 ~ Repair of motor vehicle seats
45205 ~ Installation of parts and accessories not as part of the manufacturing process
45300 ~ Wholesale and retail sale of all kinds of parts, components, supplies, tools and accessories for motor vehicles
45401 ~ Wholesale and retail sale of motorcycles
45402 ~ Wholesale and retail sale of parts and accessories for motorcycles
45403 ~ Repair and maintenance of motorcycles
46100 ~ Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
46201 ~ Wholesale of rubber
46202 ~ Wholesale of palm oil
46203 ~ Wholesale of lumber and timber
46204 ~ Wholesale of flowers and plants
46205 ~ Wholesale of livestock
46209 ~ Wholesale of agricultural raw material and live animal n.e.c.
46311 ~ Wholesale of meat, poultry and eggs
46312 ~ Wholesale of fish and other seafood
46313 ~ Wholesale of fruits
46314 ~ Wholesale of vegetables
46319 ~ Wholesale of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables n.e.c.
46321 ~ Wholesale of rice, other grains, flour and sugars
46322 ~ Wholesale of dairy products
46323 ~ Wholesale of confectionary
46324 ~ Wholesale of biscuits, cakes, breads and other bakery products
46325 ~ Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and other beverages
46326 ~ Wholesale of beer, wine and spirits
46327 ~ Wholesale of tobacco, cigar, cigarettes
46329 ~ Wholesale of other foodstuffs
46411 ~ Wholesale of yarn and fabrics
46412 ~ Wholesale of household linen, towels, blankets
46413 ~ Wholesale of clothing
46414 ~ Wholesale of clothing accessories
46415 ~ Wholesale of fur articles
46416 ~ Wholesale of footwear
46417 ~ Wholesale of haberdashery
46419 ~ Wholesale of textiles, clothing n.e.c.
46421 ~ Wholesale of pharmaceutical and medical goods
46422 ~ Wholesale of perfumeries, cosmetics, soap and toiletries
46431 ~ Wholesale of bicycles and their parts and accessories
46432 ~ Wholesale of photographic and optical goods
46433 ~ Wholesale of leather goods and travel accessories
46434 ~ Wholesale of musical instruments, games and toys, sports goods
46441 ~ Wholesale of handicrafts and artificial flowers
46442 ~ Wholesale of cut flowers and plants
46443 ~ Wholesale of watches and clocks
46444 ~ Wholesale of jewellery
46491 ~ Wholesale of household furniture
46492 ~ Wholesale of household appliances
46493 ~ Wholesale of lighting equipment
46494 ~ Wholesale of household utensils and cutlery, crockery, glassware, chinaware and pottery
46495 ~ Wholesale of woodenware, wickerwork and corkware
46496 ~ Wholesale of electrical and electronic goods
46497 ~ Wholesale of stationery, books, magazines and newspapers
46499 ~ Wholesale of other household goods n.e.c.
46510 ~ Wholesale of computer hardware, software and peripherals
46521 ~ Wholesale of telephone and telecommunications equipment, cell phones, pagers
46522 ~ Wholesale of electronic components and wiring accessories
46531 ~ Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
46532 ~ Wholesale of lawn mowers however operated
46591 ~ Wholesale of office machinery and business equipment, except computers and computer peripheral equipment
46592 ~ Wholesale of office furniture
46593 ~ Wholesale of computer-controlled machines tools
46594 ~ Wholesale of industrial machinery, equipment and supplies
46595 ~ Wholesale of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment
46596 ~ Wholesale of lift escalators, air-conditioning, security and fire fighting equipment
46599 ~ Wholesale of other machinery for use in industry, trade and navigation and other services n.e.c.
46611 ~ Wholesale of petrol, diesel, lubricants
46612 ~ Wholesale of liquefied petroleum gas
46619 ~ Wholesale of other solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products n.e.c.
46621 ~ Wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores and metals
46622 ~ Wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous semi-finished metal ores and products n.e.c.
46631 ~ Wholesale of logs, sawn timber, plywood, veneer and related products
46632 ~ Wholesale of paints and varnish
46633 ~ Wholesale of construction materials
46634 ~ Wholesale of fittings and fixtures
46635 ~ Wholesale of hot water heaters
46636 ~ Wholesale of sanitary installation and equipment
46637 ~ Wholesale of tools
46639 ~ Wholesale of other construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies n.e.c.
46691 ~ Wholesale of industrial chemicals
46692 ~ Wholesale of fertilizers and agrochemical products
46693 ~ Wholesale of plastic materials in primary forms
46694 ~ Wholesale of rubber scrap
46695 ~ Wholesale of textile fibres
46696 ~ Wholesale of paper in bulk, packaging materials
46697 ~ Wholesale of precious stones
46698 ~ Wholesale of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and materials for recycling
46699 ~ Dismantling of automobiles, computer, televisions and other equipment to obtain and re-sell usable parts
46901 ~ Wholesale of aquarium fishes, pet birds and animals
46902 ~ Wholesale of animal/pet food
46909 ~ Wholesale of a variety of goods without any particular specialization n.e.c.
47111 ~ Provision stores
47112 ~ Supermarket
47113 ~ Mini market
47114 ~ Convenience stores
47191 ~ Department stores
47192 ~ Department stores and supermarket
47193 ~ Hypermarket
47194 ~ News agent and miscellaneous goods store
47199 ~ Other retail sale in non-specialized stores n.e.c.
47211 ~ Retail sale of rice, flour, other grains and sugars
47212 ~ Retail sale of fresh or preserved vegetables and fruits
47213 ~ Retail sale of dairy products and eggs
47214 ~ Retail sale of meat and meat products (including poultry)
47215 ~ Retail sale of fish, other seafood and products thereof
47216 ~ Retail sale of bakery products and sugar confectionery
47217 ~ Retail sale of mee, kuey teow, mee hoon, wantan skins and other food products made from flour or soya
47219 ~ Retail sale of other food products n.e.c.
47221 ~ Retail sale of beer, wine and spirits
47222 ~ Retail sale of tea, coffee, soft drinks, mineral water and other beverages
47230 ~ Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized store
47300 ~ Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores
47412 ~ Retail sale of video game consoles and non-customized software
47413 ~ Retail sale of telecommunication equipment
47420 ~ Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized store
47510 ~ Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores
47531 ~ Retail sale of carpets and rugs
47532 ~ Retail sale of curtains and net curtains
47533 ~ Retail sale of wallpaper and floor coverings
47591 ~ Retail sale of household furniture
47592 ~ Retail sale of articles for lighting
47593 ~ Retail sale of household utensils and cutlery, crockery, glassware, chinaware and pottery
47594 ~ Retail sale of wood, cork goods and wickerwork goods
47595 ~ Retail sale of household appliances
47596 ~ Retail sale of musical instruments and scores
47597 ~ Retail sale of security systems
47598 ~ Retail sale of household articles and equipment n.e.c.
47611 ~ Retail sale of office supplies and equipment
47612 ~ Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary
47631 ~ Retail sale of sports goods and equipments
47632 ~ Retail sale of fishing equipment
47633 ~ Retail sale of camping goods
47634 ~ Retail sale of boats and equipments
47635 ~ Retail sale of bicycles and related parts and accessories
47640 ~ Retail sale of games and toys, made of all materials
47711 ~ Retail sale of articles of clothing, articles of fur and clothing accessories
47712 ~ Retail sale of footwear
47713 ~ Retail sale of leather goods, accessories of leather and leather substitutes
47721 ~ Stores specialized in retail sale of pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopaedic goods
47722 ~ Stores specialized in retail sale of perfumery, cosmetic and toilet articles
47731 ~ Retail sale of photographic and precision equipment
47732 ~ Retail sale of watches and clocks
47733 ~ Retail sale of jewellery
47734 ~ Retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers
47735 ~ Retail sale of souvenirs, craftwork and religious articles
47736 ~ Retail sale of household fuel oil, cooking gas, coal and fuel wood
47737 ~ Retail sale of spectacles and other optical goods
47738 ~ Retail sale of aquarium fishes, pet animals and pet food
47739 ~ Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores n.e.c.
47741 ~ Retail sale of second-hand books
47742 ~ Retail sale of second-hand electrical and electronic goods
47743 ~ Retail sale of antiques
47744 ~ Activities of auctioning houses (retail)
47749 ~ Retail sale of second-hand goods n.e.c.
47810 ~ Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products via stalls or markets
47820 ~ Retail sale of textiles, clothing and footwear via stalls or markets
47891 ~ Retail sale of carpets and rugs via stalls or markets
47893 ~ Retail sale of games and toys via stalls or markets
47894 ~ Retail sale of household appliances and consumer electronics via stall or markets
47895 ~ Retail sale of music and video recordings via stall or markets
47911 ~ Retail sale of any kind of product by mail order
47912 ~ Retail sale of any kind of product over the Internet
47913 ~ Direct sale via television, radio and telephone
47914 ~ Internet retail auctions
47992 ~ Retail sale of any kind of product through vending machines
47999 ~ Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets n.e.c.
49110 ~ Passenger transport by inter-urban railways
49120 ~ Freight transport by inter-urban, suburban and urban railways
49211 ~ City bus services
49212 ~ Urban and suburban railway passenger transport service
49221 ~ Express bus services
49222 ~ Employees bus services
49223 ~ School bus services
49224 ~ Taxi operation and limousine services
49225 ~ Rental of cars with driver
49229 ~ Other passenger land transport n.e.c.
49230 ~ Freight transport by road
49300 ~ Transport via pipeline
50111 ~ Operation of excursion, cruise or sightseeing boats
50112 ~ Operation of ferries, water taxis
50113 ~ Rental of pleasure boats with crew for sea and coastal water transport
50121 ~ Transport of freight overseas and coastal waters, whether scheduled or not
50122 ~ Transport by towing or pushing of barges, oil rigs
50211 ~ Transport of passenger via rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways
50212 ~ Rental of pleasure boats with crew for inland water transport
50220 ~ Transport of freight via rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways
51101 ~ Transport of passengers by air over regular routes and on regular schedules
51102 ~ Non-scheduled transport of passenger by air
51103 ~ Renting of air-transport equipment with operator for the purpose of passenger transportation
51201 ~ Transport freight by air over regular routes and on regular schedules
51202 ~ Non-scheduled transport of freight by air
51203 ~ Renting of air-transport equipment with operator for the purpose of freight transportation
52100 ~ Warehousing and storage services
52211 ~ Operation of terminal facilities
52212 ~ Towing and road side assistance
52213 ~ Operation of parking facilities for motor vehicles (parking lots)
52214 ~ Highway, bridge and tunnel operation services
52219 ~ Other service activities incidental to land transportation n.e.c.
52221 ~ Port, harbours and piers operation services
52222 ~ Vessel salvage and refloating services
52229 ~ Other service activities incidental to water transportation n.e.c.
52231 ~ Operation of terminal facilities
52232 ~ Airport and air-traffic-control activities
52233 ~ Ground service activities on airfields
52234 ~ Fire fighting and fire-prevention services at airports
52239 ~ Other service activities incidental to air transportation n.e.c.
52241 ~ Stevedoring services
52249 ~ Other cargo handling activities n.e.c.
52291 ~ Forwarding of freight
52292 ~ Brokerage for ship and aircraft space
52299 ~ Other transportation support activities n.e.c.
53100 ~ National postal services
53200 ~ Courier activities other than national post activities
55101 ~ Hotels and resort hotels
55102 ~ Motels
55103 ~ Apartment hotels
55104 ~ Chalets
55105 ~ Rest house/guest house
55106 ~ Bed and breakfast units
55107 ~ Hostels
55108 ~ Home stay
55109 ~ Other short term accommodation activities n.e.c.
55200 ~ Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
55900 ~ Other accommodation
56103 ~ Fast-food restaurants
56104 ~ Ice cream truck vendors and parlours
56105 ~ Mobile food carts
56106 ~ Food stalls/hawkers
56107 ~ Food or beverage, food and beverage preparation in market stalls/hawkers
56210 ~ Event/food caterers
56290 ~ Other food service activities
56301 ~ Pubs, bars, discotheques, coffee houses, cocktail lounges and karaoke
56302 ~ Coffee shops
56303 ~ Drink stalls/hawkers
56304 ~ Mobile beverage
56309 ~ Others drinking places n.e.c.
58110 ~ Publishing of books, brochures and other publications
58120 ~ Publishing of mailing lists, telephone book, other directories
58130 ~ Publishing of newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals in print or electronic form
58190 ~ Publishing of catalogues, photos, engraving and postcards, greeting cards, forms, posters, reproduction of works of art, advertising material and other printed matter n.e.c.
58201 ~ Business and other applications
58202 ~ Computer games for all platforms
58203 ~ Operating systems
59110 ~ Motion picture, video and television programme production activities
59120 ~ Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
59130 ~ Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities
59140 ~ Motion picture projection activities
59200 ~ Sound recording and music publishing activities
60100 ~ Radio broadcasting
60200 ~ Television programming and broadcasting activities
61101 ~ Wired telecommunications services
61102 ~ Internet access providers by the operator of the wired infrastructure
61201 ~ Wireless telecommunications services
61202 ~ Internet access providers by the operator of the wireless infrastructure
61300 ~ Satellite telecommunications services
61901 ~ Provision of Internet access over networks between the client and the ISP not owned or controlled by the ISP
61902 ~ Provision of telecommunications services over existing telecom connection
61903 ~ Telecommunications resellers
61904 ~ Provision of telecommunications services over existing telecom connections VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) provision
61905 ~ Provision of specialized telecommunications applications
61909 ~ Other telecommunications activities n.e.c.
62010 ~ Computer programming activities
62021 ~ Computer consultancy
62022 ~ Computer facilities management activities
62091 ~ Information Communication Technology (ICT) system security
62099 ~ Other information technology service activities n.e.c.
63111 ~ Activities of providing infrastructure for hosting, data processing services and related activities
63112 ~ Data processing activities
63120 ~ Web portals
63910 ~ News syndicate and news agency activities
63990 ~ Other information service activities n.e.c.
64110 ~ Central banking
64191 ~ Commercial Banks
64192 ~ Islamic Banks
64193 ~ Offshore Banks
64194 ~ Investment Banks
64195 ~ Development financial institutions (with deposit taking functions)
64199 ~ Other monetary intermediation (with deposit taking functions) n.e.c.
64200 ~ Activities of holding companies
64301 ~ Venture capital companies
64302 ~ Unit trust fund excludes REITs
64303 ~ Property unit trust (REITs)
64304 ~ Other administration of trusts accounts
64309 ~ Trusts, funds and similar financial entities n.e.c.
64910 ~ Financial leasing activities
64921 ~ Development financial institutions (without deposit taking functions)
64922 ~ Credit card services
64923 ~ Licensed money lending activities
64924 ~ Pawnshops and pawnbrokers includes Ar-Rahnu
64925 ~ Co-operative with credits functions
64929 ~ Other credit granting n.e.c.
64991 ~ Factoring companies
64992 ~ Representative office of foreign banks
64993 ~ Nominee companies
64999 ~ Other financial service activities, except insurance/takaful and pension funding n.e.c.
65111 ~ Life insurance
65112 ~ Family takaful
65121 ~ General insurance
65122 ~ General takaful
65123 ~ Composite insurance
65124 ~ Offshore insurance
65125 ~ Offshore takaful
65201 ~ Life reinsurance
65202 ~ Family retakaful
65203 ~ General reinsurance
65204 ~ General retakaful
65205 ~ Composite retakaful
65206 ~ Offshore reinsurance
65207 ~ Offshore retakaful
65301 ~ Pension funding
65302 ~ Provident funding
66111 ~ Stock exchanges
66112 ~ Exchanges for commodity contracts
66113 ~ Securities exchange
66114 ~ Exchanges for commodity futures contracts
66119 ~ Administration of financial markets n.e.c.
66121 ~ Stock, share and bond brokers
66122 ~ Commodity brokers and dealers
66123 ~ Gold bullion dealers
66124 ~ Foreign exchange broker and dealers (Bureaux de change)
66125 ~ Money-changing services
66129 ~ Other financial and commodity futures brokers and dealers
66191 ~ Investment advisory services
66192 ~ Financial consultancy services
66199 ~ Activities auxiliary to finance n.e.c.
66211 ~ Insurance adjusting service
66212 ~ Takaful adjusting service
66221 ~ Insurance agents
66222 ~ Takaful agents
66223 ~ Insurance brokers
66224 ~ Takaful brokers
66290 ~ Other activities auxiliary to insurance, takaful and pension funding
66301 ~ Management of pension funds
66302 ~ Assets/portfolio management
66303 ~ Unit trust management companies
68101 ~ Buying, selling, renting and operating of self-owned or leased real estate – residential buildings
68102 ~ Buying, selling, renting and operating of self-owned or leased real estate – non-residential buildings
68103 ~ Buying, selling, renting and operating of self-owned or leased real estate – land
68104 ~ Development of building projects for own operation, i.e. for renting of space in these buildings
68109 ~ Real estate activities with own or leased property n.e.c.
68201 ~ Activities of real estate agents and brokers for buying, selling and renting of real estate
68202 ~ Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis
68203 ~ Appraisal services for real estate
68209 ~ Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis n.e.c.
69100 ~ Legal activities
69200 ~ Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
70100 ~ Activities of head offices
70201 ~ Business management consultancy services
70202 ~ Human resource consultancy services
70203 ~ Consultancy services in public relation and communications
70209 ~ Other management consultancy activities n.e.c
71101 ~ Architectural services
71102 ~ Engineering services
71103 ~ Land surveying services
71109 ~ Other architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy n.e.c.
71200 ~ Technical testing and analysis
72101 ~ Research and development on natural sciences
72102 ~ Research and development on engineering and technology
72103 ~ Research and development on medical sciences
72104 ~ Research and development on biotechnology
72105 ~ Research and development on agricultural sciences
72106 ~ Research and development on Information Communication Technology (ICT)
72109 ~ Research and development on other natural science and engineering n.e.c.
72201 ~ Research and development on social sciences
72202 ~ Research and development on humanities
72209 ~ Research and development of other social sciences and humanities n.e.c.
73100 ~ Advertising
73200 ~ Market research and public opinion polling
74101 ~ Activities of interior decorators
74102 ~ Services of graphic designers
74103 ~ Fashion design services
74109 ~ Specialized design activities n.e.c.
74200 ~ Photographic activities
74901 ~ Translation and interpretation activities
74902 ~ Business brokerage activities
74903 ~ Security consulting
74904 ~ Activities of quantity surveyors
74905 ~ Activities of consultants other than architecture, engineering and management consultants
74909 ~ Any other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
77101 ~ Renting and operational leasing of passenger cars (without driver)
77102 ~ Renting and operational leasing of trucks, utility trailers and recreational vehicles
77211 ~ Renting and leasing of pleasure boats, canoes, sailboats
77212 ~ Renting and leasing of bicycles
77213 ~ Renting and leasing of beach chairs and umbrellas
77219 ~ Renting and leasing of other sports equipment n.e.c.
77220 ~ Renting of video tapes, records, CDs, DVDs
77291 ~ Renting and leasing of textiles, wearing apparel and footwear
77292 ~ Renting and leasing of furniture, pottery and glass, kitchen and tableware, electrical appliances and house wares
77293 ~ Renting and leasing of jewellery, musical instruments, scenery and costumes
77294 ~ Renting and leasing of books, journals and magazines
77295 ~ Renting and leasing of machinery and equipment used by amateurs or as a hobby
77296 ~ Renting of flowers and plants
77297 ~ Renting and leasing of electronic equipment for household use
77299 ~ Renting and leasing of other personal and household goods n.e.c.
77301 ~ Renting and operational leasing, without operator, of other machinery and equipment that are generally used as capital goods by industries
77302 ~ Renting and operational leasing of land-transport equipment (other than motor vehicles) without drivers
77303 ~ Renting and operational leasing of water-transport equipment without operator
77304 ~ Renting and operational leasing of air transport equipment without operator
77305 ~ Renting and operational leasing of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment without operator
77306 ~ Renting and operational leasing of construction and civil-engineering machinery and equipment without operator
77307 ~ Rental and operational leasing of office machinery and equipment without operator
77309 ~ Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c.
77400 ~ Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
78100 ~ Activities of employment placement agencies
78200 ~ Temporary employment agency activities
78300 ~ Provision of human resources for client businesses
79110 ~ Travel agency activities
79120 ~ Tour operator activities
79900 ~ Other reservation service and related activities
80100 ~ Private security activities
80200 ~ Security systems service activities
80300 ~ Investigation and detective activities
81100 ~ Combined facilities support activities
81210 ~ General cleaning of buildings
81291 ~ Cleaning of buildings of all types
81292 ~ Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance services
81293 ~ Cleaning of industrial machinery
81294 ~ Cleaning of trains, buses, planes
81295 ~ Cleaning of pest control services not in connection with agriculture
81296 ~ Disinfecting and exterminating activities
81297 ~ Cleaning of sea tankers
81299 ~ Other building and industrial cleaning activities, n.e.c.
81300 ~ Landscape care and maintenance service activities
82110 ~ Combined office administrative service activities
82191 ~ Document preparation, editing and/or proofreading
82192 ~ Typing, word processing or desktop publishing
82193 ~ Secretarial support services
82194 ~ Transcription of documents and other secretarial services
82195 ~ Provision of mailbox rental and other postal and mailing services
82196 ~ Photocopying, duplicating, blueprinting
82199 ~ Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities n.e.c.
82200 ~ Activities of call centres
82301 ~ Organization, promotions and/or management of event
82302 ~ Meeting, incentive, convention, exhibition (MICE)
82910 ~ Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus
82920 ~ Packaging activities on a fee or contract basis, whether or not these involve an automated process
82990 ~ Other business support service activities n.e.c.
84111 ~ General (overall) public administration activities
84112 ~ Ancillary service activities for the government as a whole
84121 ~ Administrative educational services
84122 ~ Administrative health care services
84123 ~ Administrative housing and local government services
84124 ~ Administrative recreational, cultural, arts and sports services
84125 ~ Administrative religious affairs services
84126 ~ Administrative welfare services
84129 ~ Other community and social affairs services
84131 ~ Domestic and international trade affairs
84132 ~ Agriculture and rural development affairs
84133 ~ Primary industries affairs
84134 ~ Public works affairs
84135 ~ Transport affairs
84136 ~ Energy, telecommunication and postal affairs
84137 ~ Tourism affairs
84138 ~ Human resource affairs
84139 ~ Other regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses n.e.c.
84210 ~ Foreign affairs
84220 ~ Military and civil defence services
84231 ~ Police service
84232 ~ Prison service
84233 ~ Immigration service
84234 ~ National registration service
84235 ~ Judiciary and legal service
84236 ~ Firefighting and fire prevention
84239 ~ Other public order and safety affairs related services
84300 ~ Compulsory social security activities e.g. SOCSO
85101 ~ Pre-primary education (Public)
85102 ~ Pre-primary education (Private)
85103 ~ Primary education (Public)
85104 ~ Primary education (Private)
85211 ~ General school secondary education (Public)
85212 ~ General school secondary education (Private)
85221 ~ Technical and vocational education below the level of higher education (Public)
85222 ~ Technical and vocational education below the level of higher education (Private)
85301 ~ College and university education (Public)
85302 ~ College and university education (Private)
85411 ~ Sports instruction
85412 ~ Martial arts instruction
85419 ~ Any other sports and recreation education n.e.c
85421 ~ Music and dancing school
85429 ~ Any other cultural education n.e.c.
85491 ~ Tuition centre
85492 ~ Driving school
85493 ~ Religious instruction
85494 ~ Computer training
85499 ~ Others education n.e.c
85500 ~ Educational support services for provision of non-instructional services
86101 ~ Hospital activities
86102 ~ Maternity home services (outside hospital)
86201 ~ General medical services
86202 ~ Specialized medical services
86203 ~ Dental services
86901 ~ Dialysis Centres
86902 ~ Medical laboratories
86903 ~ Physiotherapy and occupational therapy service
86904 ~ Acupuncture services
86905 ~ Herbalist and homeopathy services
86906 ~ Ambulance services
86909 ~ Other human health services n.e.c.
87101 ~ Homes for the elderly with nursing care
87102 ~ Nursing homes
87103 ~ Palliative or hospices
87201 ~ Drug rehabilitation centres
87209 ~ Other residential care activities for mental retardation n.e.c.
87300 ~ Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
87901 ~ Orphanages
87902 ~ Welfare homes services
87909 ~ Other residential care activities n.e.c.
88101 ~ Day-care activities for the elderly or for handicapped adults
88109 ~ Others social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
88901 ~ Counselling service
88902 ~ Child day-care activities
88909 ~ Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.
90001 ~ Theatrical producer, singer group band and orchestra entertainment services
90002 ~ Operation of concert and theatre halls and other arts facilities
90003 ~ Activities of sculptors, painters, cartoonists, engravers, etchers
90004 ~ Activities of individual writers, for all subjects
90005 ~ Activities of independent journalists
90006 ~ Restoring of works of art such as painting
90007 ~ Activities of producers or entrepreneurs of arts live events, with or without facilities
90009 ~ Creative, arts and entertainment activities n.e.c.
91011 ~ Documentation and information activities of libraries of all kinds
91012 ~ Stock photo libraries and services
91021 ~ Operation of museums of all kinds
91022 ~ Operation of historical sites and buildings
91031 ~ Operation of botanical and zoological gardens
91032 ~ Operation of nature reserves, including wildlife preservation
93111 ~ Football, hockey, cricket, baseball, badminton, futsal, paintball
93112 ~ Racetracks for auto
93113 ~ Equestrian clubs
93114 ~ Swimming pools and stadiums, ice-skating arenas
93115 ~ Track and field stadium
93116 ~ Golf courses
93117 ~ Bowling centre
93118 ~ Fitness centres
93119 ~ Organization and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or amateurs by organizations with own facilities
93120 ~ The operation of sports clubs such as football club, bowling club, swimming club
93191 ~ Activities of producers or promoters of sports events, with or without facilities
93192 ~ Activities of sports leagues and regulating bodies
93193 ~ Activities of related to promotion of sporting events
93199 ~ Other sports activities n.e.c.
93210 ~ Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
93291 ~ Activities of recreation parks and beaches
93292 ~ Operation of recreational transport facilities
93293 ~ Renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities
93294 ~ Operation of fairs and shows of a recreational nature
93295 ~ Operation of discotheques and dance floors
93296 ~ Activities of producers or entrepreneurs of live events other than arts or sports events, with or without facilities
93297 ~ Cyber Café/Internet Centre
93299 ~ Any other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.
94110 ~ Activities of business and employers membership organizations
94120 ~ Activities of professional membership organizations
94200 ~ Activities of trade unions
94910 ~ Activities of religious organizations
94920 ~ Activities of political organizations
94990 ~ Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
95111 ~ Repair of electronic equipment
95112 ~ Repair and maintenance of computer terminals
95113 ~ Repair and maintenance of hand-held computers (PDA's)
95121 ~ Repair and maintenance of cordless telephones
95122 ~ Repair and maintenance of cellular phones
95123 ~ Repair and maintenance of carrier equipment modems
95124 ~ Repair and maintenance of fax machines
95125 ~ Repair and maintenance of communications transmission equipment
95126 ~ Repair and maintenance of two-way radios
95127 ~ Repair and maintenance of commercial TV and video cameras
95211 ~ Repair and maintenance of television, radio receivers
95212 ~ Repair and maintenance of VCR/DVD/VCD
95213 ~ Repair and maintenance of CD players
95214 ~ Repair and maintenance of household-type video cameras
95221 ~ Repair and servicing of household appliances
95222 ~ Repair and servicing of home and garden equipment
95230 ~ Repair of footwear and leather goods
95240 ~ Repair of furniture and home furnishings
95291 ~ Repair of bicycles
95292 ~ Repair and alteration of clothing
95293 ~ Repair and alteration of jewellery
95294 ~ Repair of watches, clocks and their parts
95295 ~ Repair of sporting goods
95296 ~ Repair of musical instruments
95299 ~ Repair of other personal and household goods n.e.c.
96011 ~ Laundering and dry-cleaning, pressing
96012 ~ Carpet and rug shampooing, and drapery and curtain cleaning, whether on clients' premises or not
96013 ~ Provision of linens, work uniforms and related items by laundries
96014 ~ Diaper supply services
96020 ~ Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
96031 ~ Preparing the dead for burial or cremation and embalming and morticians' services
96032 ~ Providing burial or cremation services
96033 ~ Rental of equipped space in funeral parlours
96034 ~ Rental or sale of graves
96035 ~ Maintenance of graves and mausoleums
96091 ~ Activities of sauna, steam baths, massage salons
96092 ~ Astrological and spiritualists' activities
96093 ~ Social activities such as escort services, dating services, services of marriage bureaux
96094 ~ Pet care services
96095 ~ Genealogical organizations
96096 ~ Shoe shiners, porters, valet car parkers
96097 ~ Concession operation of coin-operated personal service machines
96099 ~ Other service activities n.e.c.
97000 ~ Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
98100 ~ Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
98200 ~ Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
99000 ~ Activities of extraterritorial organization and bodies
xxx ~ Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
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